Edukad projektid

eesti keeles / in English
Leidsin 5 projekti. alaprogramm [ INCO ]  instrument [ Preparatory, accompanying and support measures ]  otsingusõna [ A ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
FP5 - 52296 BALTNET - Baltic Training Network on FP5 - next steps 2000-2001
FP5 - 52606 GENEMILL - Genetics for the next millennium 2000-2004
FP5 - 52612 REGENE - Regional centre of excellence in neww functional materials, their design and exploitation 2000-2004
FP5 - 54773 Baltic states RTD Community in EU 5th Framework Programme (Mid-term evaluation and progress workshop) 2001-2001
FP5 - 54770 Strenghtening Estonian Capacity in Participation of Community RTD Programmes 2001-2002